20th April 2023
Staff Onboarding
Starting a new business is an exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming. One of the most important steps in building a strong foundation is properly onboarding new staff members. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
Checklist 1: New employee forms
You’ll need certain details from your new employee in order to pay them and for your own records.
These employment forms can include:
- Tax declaration forms
- Superannuation forms
Checklist 2: Before your employee starts
Documents you’ll need
- A copy of any licence required for the job (for example, a driver’s licence or forklift licence)
- For non-citizens, a copy of their working visa
Set up their personnel records
- Salary record or wage and time record
- Leave and holiday record
Employee details you’ll need
- Full name, address, contact number, and email address
- Emergency contact details
- Any special medical needs
- Bank account details
Details to provide to your employee
- Any documents that can be read beforehand, such as training manuals, code of conduct, and information about work hours, break times, benefits, and holidays and leave
- Where to go and who to ask for on day one
- The dress code
- Tools, equipment or other materials they’ll need to bring
- Give them keys, an access card, or anything they’ll need to enter your workplace
- Set up their workstation and any equipment they’ll need
- Organise time for key team members to meet them
Checklist 3: The first week
Make your new starter feel welcome
- Think about how to make them feel welcome; have morning tea to celebrate them starting or organise a lunch to introduce them to the team
- Give them any tools or equipment they need and show them how to use it
- Show them how to log in, set up, or access any resources they need
Tours and inner workings of your business
- Organise a tour of the workplace, including facilities and amenities like the kitchen, toilets, and lockers
- Give them a health and safety briefing
- Give them a snapshot of the history of your business
- Educate them about your customers and your products or services
- Share the company’s culture and values
- Explain why their role is important and how it fits into your business
- Go over the specifics of the job, including a clear explanation of duties and responsibilities and any expectations that need to be set from day one
- Describe any goals they need to meet
- Workplace policies and practices
- The pay process
- The performance review process
- Any trial or probation period
- Any employee benefits and perks
- The process for resolving employee problems
Checklist 4: Ongoing
Check on your new employee for the first few days and weeks.
- Chat with them regularly to see how they’re going, answer any questions they have, and address any difficulties they’re experiencing.
- Assign them a buddy, partner, or mentor who can help them get acquainted with the role